Package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel

usermodel package maps HSSF low level strutures to familiar workbook/sheet model


Interface Summary
HSSFShapeContainer An interface that indicates whether a class can contain children.

Class Summary
DVConstraint Data Validation Constraint
EscherGraphics Translates Graphics calls into escher calls.
EscherGraphics2d Translates Graphics2d calls into escher calls.
FontDetails Stores width and height details about a font.
HeaderFooter Common class for HSSFHeader and HSSFFooter.
HSSFAnchor An anchor is what specifics the position of a shape within a client object or within another containing shape.
HSSFAutoFilter Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
HSSFBorderFormatting High level representation for Border Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFCell High level representation of a cell in a row of a spreadsheet.
HSSFCellStyle High level representation of the style of a cell in a sheet of a workbook.
HSSFClientAnchor A client anchor is attached to an excel worksheet.
HSSFColorScaleFormatting High level representation for Color Scale / Color Gradient Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFComment Represents a cell comment - a sticky note associated with a cell.
HSSFConditionalFormatting HSSFConditionalFormatting class encapsulates all settings of Conditional Formatting.
HSSFConditionalFormattingRule High level representation of Conditional Formatting Rule.
HSSFConditionalFormattingThreshold High level representation for Icon / Multi-State / Databar / Colour Scale change thresholds
HSSFDataBarFormatting High level representation for DataBar / Data-Bar Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFDataFormat Identifies both built-in and user defined formats within a workbook.
HSSFDataFormatter HSSFDataFormatter contains methods for formatting the value stored in an HSSFCell.
HSSFDataValidation Utility class for creating data validation cells
HSSFDataValidationHelper Helper for working with Data Validation
HSSFDateUtil Contains methods for dealing with Excel dates.
HSSFEvaluationWorkbook Internal POI use only
HSSFExtendedColor The HSSF file format normally stores Color information in the Palette (see PaletteRecord), but for a few cases (eg Conditional Formatting, Sheet Extensions), this XSSF-style color record can be used.
HSSFFont Represents a Font used in a workbook.
HSSFFontFormatting High level representation for Font Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFFooter Class to read and manipulate the footer.
HSSFFormulaEvaluator Evaluates formula cells.
HSSFHeader Class to read and manipulate the header.
HSSFHyperlink Represents an Excel hyperlink.
HSSFIconMultiStateFormatting High level representation for Icon / Multi-State Formatting component of Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFName High Level Representation of a 'defined name' which could be a 'built-in' name, 'named range' or name of a user defined function.
HSSFObjectData Represents binary object (i.e.
HSSFOptimiser Excel can get cranky if you give it files containing too many (especially duplicate) objects, and this class can help to avoid those.
HSSFPalette Represents a workbook color palette.
HSSFPatriarch The patriarch is the toplevel container for shapes in a sheet.
HSSFPatternFormatting High level representation for Conditional Formatting settings
HSSFPicture Represents a escher picture.
HSSFPictureData Represents binary data stored in the file.
HSSFPrintSetup Used to modify the print setup.
HSSFRichTextString Rich text unicode string.
HSSFRow High level representation of a row of a spreadsheet.
HSSFShape An abstract shape.
HSSFShapeFactory Factory class for producing Excel Shapes from Escher records
HSSFShapeGroup A shape group may contain other shapes.
HSSFSheet High level representation of a worksheet.
HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting The 'Conditional Formatting' facet of HSSFSheet
HSSFSimpleShape Represents a simple shape such as a line, rectangle or oval.
HSSFTextbox A textbox is a shape that may hold a rich text string.
HSSFWorkbook High level representation of a workbook.

Package org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel Description

usermodel package maps HSSF low level strutures to familiar workbook/sheet model

Related Documentation

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