Class HSSFFormulaEvaluator

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFormulaEvaluator
All Implemented Interfaces:
WorkbookEvaluatorProvider, FormulaEvaluator

public class HSSFFormulaEvaluator
extends BaseFormulaEvaluator

Evaluates formula cells.

For performance reasons, this class keeps a cache of all previously calculated intermediate cell values. Be sure to call BaseFormulaEvaluator.clearAllCachedResultValues() if any workbook cells are changed between calls to evaluate~ methods on this class.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFWorkbook workbook, IStabilityClassifier stabilityClassifier)
Method Summary
static HSSFFormulaEvaluator create(HSSFWorkbook workbook, IStabilityClassifier stabilityClassifier, UDFFinder udfFinder)
protected  RichTextString createRichTextString(java.lang.String str)
 void evaluateAll()
          Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook.
static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(HSSFWorkbook wb)
          Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook.
static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(Workbook wb)
          Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook.
protected  CellValue evaluateFormulaCellValue(Cell cell)
          Returns a CellValue wrapper around the supplied ValueEval instance.
 HSSFCell evaluateInCell(Cell cell)
          If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and puts the formula result back into the cell, in place of the old formula.
 void notifyDeleteCell(Cell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified cell has just become a formula cell, or the formula text has changed
 void notifyDeleteCell(HSSFCell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified cell has just been deleted.
 void notifySetFormula(Cell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed.
 void notifyUpdateCell(Cell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed.
 void notifyUpdateCell(HSSFCell cell)
          Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed.
 void setDebugEvaluationOutputForNextEval(boolean value)
          Perform detailed output of formula evaluation for next evaluation only? Is for developer use only (also developers using POI for their XLS files).
 void setIgnoreMissingWorkbooks(boolean ignore)
          Whether to ignore missing references to external workbooks and use cached formula results in the main workbook instead.
static void setupEnvironment(java.lang.String[] workbookNames, HSSFFormulaEvaluator[] evaluators)
          Coordinates several formula evaluators together so that formulas that involve external references can be evaluated.
 void setupReferencedWorkbooks(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FormulaEvaluator> evaluators)
          Sets up the Formula Evaluator to be able to reference and resolve links to other workbooks, eg [Test.xls]Sheet1!A1.
Methods inherited from class
_getWorkbookEvaluator, clearAllCachedResultValues, evaluate, evaluateAllFormulaCells, evaluateFormulaCell, evaluateFormulaCellEnum, setCellType, setCellValue, setupEnvironment
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFWorkbook workbook)


public HSSFFormulaEvaluator(HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                            IStabilityClassifier stabilityClassifier)
workbook - The workbook to perform the formula evaluations in
stabilityClassifier - used to optimise caching performance. Pass null for the (conservative) assumption that any cell may have its definition changed after evaluation begins.
Method Detail


public static HSSFFormulaEvaluator create(HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                                          IStabilityClassifier stabilityClassifier,
                                          UDFFinder udfFinder)
workbook - The workbook to perform the formula evaluations in
stabilityClassifier - used to optimise caching performance. Pass null for the (conservative) assumption that any cell may have its definition changed after evaluation begins.
udfFinder - pass null for default (AnalysisToolPak only)


protected RichTextString createRichTextString(java.lang.String str)
Specified by:
createRichTextString in class BaseFormulaEvaluator


public static void setupEnvironment(java.lang.String[] workbookNames,
                                    HSSFFormulaEvaluator[] evaluators)
Coordinates several formula evaluators together so that formulas that involve external references can be evaluated.

workbookNames - the simple file names used to identify the workbooks in formulas with external links (for example "MyData.xls" as used in a formula "[MyData.xls]Sheet1!A1")
evaluators - all evaluators for the full set of workbooks required by the formulas.


public void setupReferencedWorkbooks(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,FormulaEvaluator> evaluators)
Description copied from interface: FormulaEvaluator
Sets up the Formula Evaluator to be able to reference and resolve links to other workbooks, eg [Test.xls]Sheet1!A1.

For a workbook referenced as [Test.xls]Sheet1!A1, you should supply a map containing the key Test.xls (no square brackets), and an open FormulaEvaluator onto that Workbook.

Specified by:
setupReferencedWorkbooks in interface FormulaEvaluator
setupReferencedWorkbooks in class BaseFormulaEvaluator
evaluators - Map of workbook names (no square brackets) to an evaluator on that workbook


public void notifyUpdateCell(HSSFCell cell)
Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed. Failure to call this method after changing cell values will cause incorrect behaviour of the evaluate~ methods of this class


public void notifyUpdateCell(Cell cell)
Description copied from interface: FormulaEvaluator
Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed. Failure to call this method after changing cell values will cause incorrect behaviour of the evaluate~ methods of this class


public void notifyDeleteCell(HSSFCell cell)
Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified cell has just been deleted. Failure to call this method after changing cell values will cause incorrect behaviour of the evaluate~ methods of this class


public void notifyDeleteCell(Cell cell)
Description copied from interface: FormulaEvaluator
Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified cell has just become a formula cell, or the formula text has changed


public void notifySetFormula(Cell cell)
Should be called to tell the cell value cache that the specified (value or formula) cell has changed. Failure to call this method after changing cell values will cause incorrect behaviour of the evaluate~ methods of this class


public HSSFCell evaluateInCell(Cell cell)
Description copied from class: BaseFormulaEvaluator
If cell contains formula, it evaluates the formula, and puts the formula result back into the cell, in place of the old formula. Else if cell does not contain formula, this method leaves the cell unchanged. Note that the same instance of HSSFCell is returned to allow chained calls like:
 int evaluatedCellType = evaluator.evaluateInCell(cell).getCellType();
Be aware that your cell value will be changed to hold the result of the formula. If you simply want the formula value computed for you, use BaseFormulaEvaluator.evaluateFormulaCellEnum(Cell)}

Specified by:
evaluateInCell in interface FormulaEvaluator
evaluateInCell in class BaseFormulaEvaluator
the cell that was passed in, allowing for chained calls


public static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(HSSFWorkbook wb)
Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook. For cells that contain formulas, their formulas are evaluated, and the results are saved. These cells remain as formula cells. For cells that do not contain formulas, no changes are made. This is a helpful wrapper around looping over all cells, and calling evaluateFormulaCell on each one.


public static void evaluateAllFormulaCells(Workbook wb)
Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook. For cells that contain formulas, their formulas are evaluated, and the results are saved. These cells remain as formula cells. For cells that do not contain formulas, no changes are made. This is a helpful wrapper around looping over all cells, and calling evaluateFormulaCell on each one.


public void evaluateAll()
Loops over all cells in all sheets of the supplied workbook. For cells that contain formulas, their formulas are evaluated, and the results are saved. These cells remain as formula cells. For cells that do not contain formulas, no changes are made. This is a helpful wrapper around looping over all cells, and calling evaluateFormulaCell on each one.


protected CellValue evaluateFormulaCellValue(Cell cell)
Returns a CellValue wrapper around the supplied ValueEval instance.

Specified by:
evaluateFormulaCellValue in class BaseFormulaEvaluator
cell -


public void setIgnoreMissingWorkbooks(boolean ignore)
Whether to ignore missing references to external workbooks and use cached formula results in the main workbook instead.

In some cases external workbooks referenced by formulas in the main workbook are not available. With this method you can control how POI handles such missing references:

Specified by:
setIgnoreMissingWorkbooks in interface FormulaEvaluator
setIgnoreMissingWorkbooks in class BaseFormulaEvaluator
ignore - whether to ignore missing references to external workbooks


public void setDebugEvaluationOutputForNextEval(boolean value)
Perform detailed output of formula evaluation for next evaluation only? Is for developer use only (also developers using POI for their XLS files). Log-Level WARN is for basic info, INFO for detailed information. These quite high levels are used because you have to explicitly enable this specific logging.

Specified by:
setDebugEvaluationOutputForNextEval in interface FormulaEvaluator
setDebugEvaluationOutputForNextEval in class BaseFormulaEvaluator
value - whether to perform detailed output