Class HSSFSheet

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Iterable<Row>, Sheet

public final class HSSFSheet
extends java.lang.Object
implements Sheet

High level representation of a worksheet.

Field Summary
protected  InternalWorkbook _book
protected  HSSFWorkbook _workbook
          Used for compile-time optimization.
Fields inherited from interface
BottomMargin, FooterMargin, HeaderMargin, LeftMargin, PANE_LOWER_LEFT, PANE_LOWER_RIGHT, PANE_UPPER_LEFT, PANE_UPPER_RIGHT, RightMargin, TopMargin
Constructor Summary
protected HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
          Creates new HSSFSheet - called by HSSFWorkbook to create a sheet from scratch.
protected HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook, InternalSheet sheet)
          Creates an HSSFSheet representing the given Sheet object.
Method Summary
 int addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress region)
          Adds a merged region of cells on a sheet.
 int addMergedRegionUnsafe(CellRangeAddress region)
          Adds a merged region of cells (hence those cells form one).
 void addValidationData(DataValidation dataValidation)
          Creates a data validation object
 void autoSizeColumn(int column)
          Adjusts the column width to fit the contents.
 void autoSizeColumn(int column, boolean useMergedCells)
          Adjusts the column width to fit the contents.
 HSSFPatriarch createDrawingPatriarch()
          Creates the top-level drawing patriarch.
 void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit)
          Creates a split (freezepane).
 void createFreezePane(int colSplit, int rowSplit, int leftmostColumn, int topRow)
          Creates a split (freezepane).
 HSSFRow createRow(int rownum)
          Create a new row within the sheet and return the high level representation
 void createSplitPane(int xSplitPos, int ySplitPos, int leftmostColumn, int topRow, int activePane)
          Creates a split pane.
 void dumpDrawingRecords(boolean fat, pw)
          Aggregates the drawing records and dumps the escher record hierarchy to the standard output.
protected  HSSFComment findCellComment(int row, int column)
 CellAddress getActiveCell()
          Return location of the active cell, e.g.
 boolean getAlternateExpression()
          whether alternate expression evaluation is on
 boolean getAlternateFormula()
          whether alternative formula entry is on
 boolean getAutobreaks()
          show automatic page breaks or not
 HSSFComment getCellComment(CellAddress ref)
          Returns cell comment for the specified row and column
 java.util.Map<CellAddress,HSSFComment> getCellComments()
          Returns all cell comments on this sheet.
 int[] getColumnBreaks()
          Retrieves all the vertical page breaks
 int getColumnOutlineLevel(int columnIndex)
          Returns the column outline level.
 HSSFCellStyle getColumnStyle(int column)
          Returns the HSSFCellStyle that applies to the given (0 based) column, or null if no style has been set for that column
 int getColumnWidth(int columnIndex)
          get the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width )
 float getColumnWidthInPixels(int column)
          get the width in pixel
 DataValidationHelper getDataValidationHelper()
 java.util.List<HSSFDataValidation> getDataValidations()
          Returns the list of DataValidation in the sheet.
 int getDefaultColumnWidth()
          get the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width) in characters
 short getDefaultRowHeight()
          get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in twips (1/20 of a point)
 float getDefaultRowHeightInPoints()
          get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in points.
 boolean getDialog()
          get whether sheet is a dialog sheet or not
 boolean getDisplayGuts()
          get whether to display the guts or not
 EscherAggregate getDrawingEscherAggregate()
          Returns the agregate escher records for this sheet, it there is one.
 HSSFPatriarch getDrawingPatriarch()
          This will hold any graphics or charts for the sheet.
 int getFirstRowNum()
          Gets the first row on the sheet
 boolean getFitToPage()
          fit to page option is on
 HSSFFooter getFooter()
          Gets the user model for the default document footer.
 boolean getForceFormulaRecalculation()
          Whether a record must be inserted or not at generation to indicate that formula must be recalculated when workbook is opened.
 HSSFHeader getHeader()
          Gets the user model for the default document header.
 boolean getHorizontallyCenter()
          Determine whether printed output for this sheet will be horizontally centered.
 HSSFHyperlink getHyperlink(CellAddress addr)
          Get a Hyperlink in this sheet located in a cell specified by {code addr}
 HSSFHyperlink getHyperlink(int row, int column)
          Get a Hyperlink in this sheet anchored at row, column
 java.util.List<HSSFHyperlink> getHyperlinkList()
          Get a list of Hyperlinks in this sheet
 int getLastRowNum()
          Gets the number last row on the sheet.
 short getLeftCol()
          The left col in the visible view when the sheet is first viewed after opening it in a viewer
 double getMargin(short margin)
          Gets the size of the margin in inches.
 CellRangeAddress getMergedRegion(int index)
          Returns the merged region at the specified index
 java.util.List<CellRangeAddress> getMergedRegions()
          Returns the list of merged regions.
 int getNumMergedRegions()
          returns the number of merged regions
 boolean getObjectProtect()
          Answer whether object protection is enabled or disabled
 PaneInformation getPaneInformation()
          Returns the information regarding the currently configured pane (split or freeze).
 short getPassword()
 int getPhysicalNumberOfRows()
          Returns the number of physically defined rows (NOT the number of rows in the sheet)
 HSSFPrintSetup getPrintSetup()
          Gets the print setup object.
 boolean getProtect()
          Answer whether protection is enabled or disabled
 CellRangeAddress getRepeatingColumns()
          Gets the repeating columns used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.
 CellRangeAddress getRepeatingRows()
          Gets the repeating rows used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.
 HSSFRow getRow(int rowIndex)
          Returns the logical row (not physical) 0-based.
 int[] getRowBreaks()
          Retrieves all the horizontal page breaks
 boolean getRowSumsBelow()
          get if row summaries appear below detail in the outline
 boolean getRowSumsRight()
          get if col summaries appear right of the detail in the outline
 boolean getScenarioProtect()
          Answer whether scenario protection is enabled or disabled
 HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting getSheetConditionalFormatting()
          The 'Conditional Formatting' facet for this Sheet
 java.lang.String getSheetName()
          Returns the name of this sheet
 short getTopRow()
          The top row in the visible view when the sheet is first viewed after opening it in a viewer
 boolean getVerticallyCenter()
          Determine whether printed output for this sheet will be vertically centered.
 HSSFWorkbook getWorkbook()
          Return the parent workbook
 void groupColumn(int fromColumn, int toColumn)
          Create an outline for the provided column range.
 void groupRow(int fromRow, int toRow)
          Tie a range of cell together so that they can be collapsed or expanded
protected  void insertChartRecords(java.util.List<Record> records)
 boolean isActive()
 boolean isColumnBroken(int column)
          Determines if there is a page break at the indicated column
 boolean isColumnHidden(int columnIndex)
          Get the hidden state for a given column.
 boolean isDisplayFormulas()
          Returns if formulas are displayed.
 boolean isDisplayGridlines()
          Returns if gridlines are displayed.
 boolean isDisplayRowColHeadings()
          Returns if RowColHeadings are displayed.
 boolean isDisplayZeros()
          Gets the flag indicating whether the window should show 0 (zero) in cells containing zero value.
 boolean isGridsPrinted()
          get whether gridlines are printed.
 boolean isPrintGridlines()
          Returns whether gridlines are printed.
 boolean isPrintRowAndColumnHeadings()
          Returns whether row and column headings are printed.
 boolean isRightToLeft()
          Whether the text is displayed in right-to-left mode in the window
 boolean isRowBroken(int row)
          Determines if there is a page break at the indicated row
 boolean isSelected()
          Note - this is not the same as whether the sheet is focused (isActive)
 java.util.Iterator<Row> iterator()
          Alias for rowIterator() to allow foreach loops
protected  void preSerialize()
          check whether the data of sheet can be serialized
 void protectSheet(java.lang.String password)
          Sets the protection enabled as well as the password
 CellRange<HSSFCell> removeArrayFormula(Cell cell)
          Remove a Array Formula from this sheet.
 void removeColumnBreak(int column)
          Removes a page break at the indicated column
protected  void removeHyperlink(HSSFHyperlink link)
          Remove the underlying HyperlinkRecord from this sheet.
protected  void removeHyperlink(HyperlinkRecord link)
          Remove the underlying HyperlinkRecord from this sheet
 void removeMergedRegion(int index)
          removes a merged region of cells (hence letting them free)
 void removeMergedRegions(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> indices)
          Removes a number of merged regions of cells (hence letting them free)
 void removeRow(Row row)
          Remove a row from this sheet.
 void removeRowBreak(int row)
          Removes the page break at the indicated row
 java.util.Iterator<Row> rowIterator()
          Returns an iterator of the physical rows
 void setActive(boolean sel)
          Sets whether sheet is selected.
 void setActiveCell(CellAddress address)
          Sets location of the active cell
 void setAlternativeExpression(boolean b)
          whether alternate expression evaluation is on
 void setAlternativeFormula(boolean b)
          whether alternative formula entry is on
 CellRange<HSSFCell> setArrayFormula(java.lang.String formula, CellRangeAddress range)
          Sets array formula to specified region for result.
 void setAutobreaks(boolean b)
          show automatic page breaks or not
 HSSFAutoFilter setAutoFilter(CellRangeAddress range)
          Enable filtering for a range of cells
 void setColumnBreak(int column)
          Sets a page break at the indicated column.
 void setColumnGroupCollapsed(int columnNumber, boolean collapsed)
          Expands or collapses a column group.
 void setColumnHidden(int columnIndex, boolean hidden)
          Get the visibility state for a given column.
 void setColumnWidth(int columnIndex, int width)
          Set the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width)
 void setDefaultColumnStyle(int column, CellStyle style)
          Sets the default column style for a given column.
 void setDefaultColumnWidth(int width)
          set the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width) in characters
 void setDefaultRowHeight(short height)
          set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in twips (1/20 of a point)
 void setDefaultRowHeightInPoints(float height)
          set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in points
 void setDialog(boolean b)
          set whether sheet is a dialog sheet or not
 void setDisplayFormulas(boolean show)
          Sets whether the formulas are shown in a viewer.
 void setDisplayGridlines(boolean show)
          Sets whether the gridlines are shown in a viewer.
 void setDisplayGuts(boolean b)
          set whether to display the guts or not
 void setDisplayRowColHeadings(boolean show)
          Sets whether the RowColHeadings are shown in a viewer.
 void setDisplayZeros(boolean value)
          Set whether the window should show 0 (zero) in cells containing zero value.
 void setFitToPage(boolean b)
          fit to page option is on
 void setForceFormulaRecalculation(boolean value)
          Control if Excel should be asked to recalculate all formulas on this sheet when the workbook is opened.
 void setGridsPrinted(boolean value)
          set whether gridlines printed.
 void setHorizontallyCenter(boolean value)
          determines whether the output is horizontally centered on the page.
 void setMargin(short margin, double size)
          Sets the size of the margin in inches.
 void setPrintGridlines(boolean show)
          Turns on or off the printing of gridlines.
 void setPrintRowAndColumnHeadings(boolean show)
          Turns on or off the printing of row and column headings.
 void setRepeatingColumns(CellRangeAddress columnRangeRef)
          Sets the repeating columns used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.
 void setRepeatingRows(CellRangeAddress rowRangeRef)
          Sets the repeating rows used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.
 void setRightToLeft(boolean value)
          Sets whether the worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.
 void setRowBreak(int row)
          Sets a page break at the indicated row Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.
 void setRowGroupCollapsed(int rowIndex, boolean collapse)
          Set view state of a grouped range of rows
 void setRowSumsBelow(boolean b)
          set if row summaries appear below detail in the outline
 void setRowSumsRight(boolean b)
          set if col summaries appear right of the detail in the outline
 void setSelected(boolean sel)
          Sets whether sheet is selected.
 void setVerticallyCenter(boolean value)
          determines whether the output is vertically centered on the page.
 void setZoom(int scale)
          Window zoom magnification for current view representing percent values.
 void setZoom(int numerator, int denominator)
          Sets the zoom magnification for the sheet.
protected  void shiftMerged(int startRow, int endRow, int n, boolean isRow)
          Deprecated. POI 3.15 beta 2. Use RowShifter.shiftMergedRegions(int, int, int).
 void shiftRows(int startRow, int endRow, int n)
          Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows.
 void shiftRows(int startRow, int endRow, int n, boolean copyRowHeight, boolean resetOriginalRowHeight)
          Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows.
 void shiftRows(int startRow, int endRow, int n, boolean copyRowHeight, boolean resetOriginalRowHeight, boolean moveComments)
          Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows.
 void showInPane(int toprow, int leftcol)
          Sets desktop window pane display area, when the file is first opened in a viewer.
 void ungroupColumn(int fromColumn, int toColumn)
          Ungroup a range of columns that were previously grouped
 void ungroupRow(int fromRow, int toRow)
          Ungroup a range of rows that were previously grouped
protected  void validateColumn(int column)
          Runs a bounds check for column numbers
 void validateMergedRegions()
          Verify that merged regions do not intersect multi-cell array formulas and no merged regions intersect another merged region in this sheet.
protected  void validateRow(int row)
          Runs a bounds check for row numbers
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY
Used for compile-time optimization. This is the initial size for the collection of rows. It is currently set to 20. If you generate larger sheets you may benefit by setting this to a higher number and recompiling a custom edition of HSSFSheet.


protected final InternalWorkbook _book


protected final HSSFWorkbook _workbook
Constructor Detail


protected HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook)
Creates new HSSFSheet - called by HSSFWorkbook to create a sheet from scratch. You should not be calling this from application code (its protected anyhow).

workbook - - The HSSF Workbook object associated with the sheet.
See Also:


protected HSSFSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook,
                    InternalSheet sheet)
Creates an HSSFSheet representing the given Sheet object. Should only be called by HSSFWorkbook when reading in an exisiting file.

workbook - - The HSSF Workbook object associated with the sheet.
sheet - - lowlevel Sheet object this sheet will represent
See Also:
Method Detail


protected void preSerialize()
check whether the data of sheet can be serialized


public HSSFWorkbook getWorkbook()
Return the parent workbook

Specified by:
getWorkbook in interface Sheet
the parent workbook


public HSSFRow createRow(int rownum)
Create a new row within the sheet and return the high level representation

Specified by:
createRow in interface Sheet
rownum - row number
High level HSSFRow object representing a row in the sheet
See Also:
HSSFRow, removeRow(


public void removeRow(Row row)
Remove a row from this sheet. All cells contained in the row are removed as well

Specified by:
removeRow in interface Sheet
row - representing a row to remove.


public HSSFRow getRow(int rowIndex)
Returns the logical row (not physical) 0-based. If you ask for a row that is not defined you get a null. This is to say row 4 represents the fifth row on a sheet.

Specified by:
getRow in interface Sheet
rowIndex - row to get
HSSFRow representing the row number or null if its not defined on the sheet


public int getPhysicalNumberOfRows()
Returns the number of physically defined rows (NOT the number of rows in the sheet)

Specified by:
getPhysicalNumberOfRows in interface Sheet
the number of physically defined rows in this sheet


public int getFirstRowNum()
Gets the first row on the sheet

Specified by:
getFirstRowNum in interface Sheet
the number of the first logical row on the sheet, zero based


public int getLastRowNum()
Gets the number last row on the sheet. Owing to idiosyncrasies in the excel file format, if the result of calling this method is zero, you can't tell if that means there are zero rows on the sheet, or one at position zero. For that case, additionally call getPhysicalNumberOfRows() to tell if there is a row at position zero or not.

Specified by:
getLastRowNum in interface Sheet
the number of the last row contained in this sheet, zero based.


public java.util.List<HSSFDataValidation> getDataValidations()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Returns the list of DataValidation in the sheet.

Specified by:
getDataValidations in interface Sheet
list of DataValidation in the sheet


public void addValidationData(DataValidation dataValidation)
Creates a data validation object

Specified by:
addValidationData in interface Sheet
dataValidation - The Data validation object settings


public void setColumnHidden(int columnIndex,
                            boolean hidden)
Get the visibility state for a given column.

Specified by:
setColumnHidden in interface Sheet
columnIndex - - the column to get (0-based)
hidden - - the visiblity state of the column


public boolean isColumnHidden(int columnIndex)
Get the hidden state for a given column.

Specified by:
isColumnHidden in interface Sheet
columnIndex - - the column to set (0-based)
hidden - false if the column is visible


public void setColumnWidth(int columnIndex,
                           int width)
Set the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width)

The maximum column width for an individual cell is 255 characters. This value represents the number of characters that can be displayed in a cell that is formatted with the standard font (first font in the workbook).

Character width is defined as the maximum digit width of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ... 9 as rendered using the default font (first font in the workbook).

Unless you are using a very special font, the default character is '0' (zero), this is true for Arial (default font font in HSSF) and Calibri (default font in XSSF)

Please note, that the width set by this method includes 4 pixels of margin padding (two on each side), plus 1 pixel padding for the gridlines (Section of the OOXML spec). This results is a slightly less value of visible characters than passed to this method (approx. 1/2 of a character).

To compute the actual number of visible characters, Excel uses the following formula (Section of the OOXML spec):

width = Truncate([{Number of Visible Characters} * {Maximum Digit Width} + {5 pixel padding}]/{Maximum Digit Width}*256)/256

Using the Calibri font as an example, the maximum digit width of 11 point font size is 7 pixels (at 96 dpi). If you set a column width to be eight characters wide, e.g. setColumnWidth(columnIndex, 8*256), then the actual value of visible characters (the value shown in Excel) is derived from the following equation: Truncate([numChars*7+5]/7*256)/256 = 8;

which gives 7.29.

Specified by:
setColumnWidth in interface Sheet
columnIndex - - the column to set (0-based)
width - - the width in units of 1/256th of a character width
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if width > 255*256 (the maximum column width in Excel is 255 characters)


public int getColumnWidth(int columnIndex)
get the width (in units of 1/256th of a character width )

Specified by:
getColumnWidth in interface Sheet
columnIndex - - the column to set (0-based)
width - the width in units of 1/256th of a character width


public float getColumnWidthInPixels(int column)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
get the width in pixel

Please note, that this method works correctly only for workbooks with the default font size (Arial 10pt for .xls and Calibri 11pt for .xlsx). If the default font is changed the column width can be streched

Specified by:
getColumnWidthInPixels in interface Sheet
column - - the column to set (0-based)
width in pixels


public int getDefaultColumnWidth()
get the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width) in characters

Specified by:
getDefaultColumnWidth in interface Sheet
default column width


public void setDefaultColumnWidth(int width)
set the default column width for the sheet (if the columns do not define their own width) in characters

Specified by:
setDefaultColumnWidth in interface Sheet
width - default column width


public short getDefaultRowHeight()
get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in twips (1/20 of a point)

Specified by:
getDefaultRowHeight in interface Sheet
default row height


public float getDefaultRowHeightInPoints()
get the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in points.

Specified by:
getDefaultRowHeightInPoints in interface Sheet
default row height in points


public void setDefaultRowHeight(short height)
set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in twips (1/20 of a point)

Specified by:
setDefaultRowHeight in interface Sheet
height - default row height


public void setDefaultRowHeightInPoints(float height)
set the default row height for the sheet (if the rows do not define their own height) in points

Specified by:
setDefaultRowHeightInPoints in interface Sheet
height - default row height


public HSSFCellStyle getColumnStyle(int column)
Returns the HSSFCellStyle that applies to the given (0 based) column, or null if no style has been set for that column

Specified by:
getColumnStyle in interface Sheet


public boolean isGridsPrinted()
get whether gridlines are printed.

true if printed


public void setGridsPrinted(boolean value)
set whether gridlines printed.

value - false if not printed.


public int addMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress region)
Adds a merged region of cells on a sheet.

Specified by:
addMergedRegion in interface Sheet
region - to merge
index of this region
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if region contains fewer than 2 cells
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if region intersects with a multi-cell array formula
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if region intersects with an existing region on this sheet


public int addMergedRegionUnsafe(CellRangeAddress region)
Adds a merged region of cells (hence those cells form one). Skips validation. It is possible to create overlapping merged regions or create a merged region that intersects a multi-cell array formula with this formula, which may result in a corrupt workbook. To check for merged regions overlapping array formulas or other merged regions after addMergedRegionUnsafe has been called, call validateMergedRegions(), which runs in O(n^2) time.

Specified by:
addMergedRegionUnsafe in interface Sheet
region - to merge
index of this region
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if region contains fewer than 2 cells


public void validateMergedRegions()
Verify that merged regions do not intersect multi-cell array formulas and no merged regions intersect another merged region in this sheet.

Specified by:
validateMergedRegions in interface Sheet
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if region intersects with a multi-cell array formula
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if at least one region intersects with another merged region in this sheet


public void setForceFormulaRecalculation(boolean value)
Control if Excel should be asked to recalculate all formulas on this sheet when the workbook is opened.

Calculating the formula values with FormulaEvaluator is the recommended solution, but this may be used for certain cases where evaluation in POI is not possible.

It is recommended to force recalcuation of formulas on workbook level using Workbook.setForceFormulaRecalculation(boolean) to ensure that all cross-worksheet formuals and external dependencies are updated.

Specified by:
setForceFormulaRecalculation in interface Sheet
value - true if the application will perform a full recalculation of this worksheet values when the workbook is opened
See Also:


public boolean getForceFormulaRecalculation()
Whether a record must be inserted or not at generation to indicate that formula must be recalculated when workbook is opened.

Specified by:
getForceFormulaRecalculation in interface Sheet
true if an uncalced record must be inserted or not at generation


public void setVerticallyCenter(boolean value)
determines whether the output is vertically centered on the page.

Specified by:
setVerticallyCenter in interface Sheet
value - true to vertically center, false otherwise.


public boolean getVerticallyCenter()
Determine whether printed output for this sheet will be vertically centered.

Specified by:
getVerticallyCenter in interface Sheet


public void setHorizontallyCenter(boolean value)
determines whether the output is horizontally centered on the page.

Specified by:
setHorizontallyCenter in interface Sheet
value - true to horizontally center, false otherwise.


public boolean getHorizontallyCenter()
Determine whether printed output for this sheet will be horizontally centered.

Specified by:
getHorizontallyCenter in interface Sheet


public void setRightToLeft(boolean value)
Sets whether the worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.

Specified by:
setRightToLeft in interface Sheet
value - true for right to left, false otherwise.


public boolean isRightToLeft()
Whether the text is displayed in right-to-left mode in the window

Specified by:
isRightToLeft in interface Sheet
whether the text is displayed in right-to-left mode in the window


public void removeMergedRegion(int index)
removes a merged region of cells (hence letting them free)

Specified by:
removeMergedRegion in interface Sheet
index - of the region to unmerge


public void removeMergedRegions(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> indices)
Removes a number of merged regions of cells (hence letting them free)

Specified by:
removeMergedRegions in interface Sheet
indices - A set of the regions to unmerge


public int getNumMergedRegions()
returns the number of merged regions

Specified by:
getNumMergedRegions in interface Sheet
number of merged regions


public CellRangeAddress getMergedRegion(int index)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Returns the merged region at the specified index

Specified by:
getMergedRegion in interface Sheet
the merged region at the specified index


public java.util.List<CellRangeAddress> getMergedRegions()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Returns the list of merged regions.

Specified by:
getMergedRegions in interface Sheet
the list of merged regions


public java.util.Iterator<Row> rowIterator()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Returns an iterator of the physical rows

Specified by:
rowIterator in interface Sheet
an iterator of the PHYSICAL rows. Meaning the 3rd element may not be the third row if say for instance the second row is undefined. Call getRowNum() on each row if you care which one it is.


public java.util.Iterator<Row> iterator()
Alias for rowIterator() to allow foreach loops

Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<Row>


public void setAlternativeExpression(boolean b)
whether alternate expression evaluation is on

b - alternative expression evaluation or not


public void setAlternativeFormula(boolean b)
whether alternative formula entry is on

b - alternative formulas or not


public void setAutobreaks(boolean b)
show automatic page breaks or not

Specified by:
setAutobreaks in interface Sheet
b - whether to show auto page breaks


public void setDialog(boolean b)
set whether sheet is a dialog sheet or not

b - isDialog or not


public void setDisplayGuts(boolean b)
set whether to display the guts or not

Specified by:
setDisplayGuts in interface Sheet
b - guts or no guts (or glory)


public void setFitToPage(boolean b)
fit to page option is on

Specified by:
setFitToPage in interface Sheet
b - fit or not


public void setRowSumsBelow(boolean b)
set if row summaries appear below detail in the outline

Specified by:
setRowSumsBelow in interface Sheet
b - below or not


public void setRowSumsRight(boolean b)
set if col summaries appear right of the detail in the outline

Specified by:
setRowSumsRight in interface Sheet
b - right or not


public boolean getAlternateExpression()
whether alternate expression evaluation is on

alternative expression evaluation or not


public boolean getAlternateFormula()
whether alternative formula entry is on

alternative formulas or not


public boolean getAutobreaks()
show automatic page breaks or not

Specified by:
getAutobreaks in interface Sheet
whether to show auto page breaks


public boolean getDialog()
get whether sheet is a dialog sheet or not

isDialog or not


public boolean getDisplayGuts()
get whether to display the guts or not

Specified by:
getDisplayGuts in interface Sheet
guts or no guts (or glory)


public boolean isDisplayZeros()
Gets the flag indicating whether the window should show 0 (zero) in cells containing zero value. When false, cells with zero value appear blank instead of showing the number zero.

In Excel 2003 this option can be changed in the Options dialog on the View tab.

Specified by:
isDisplayZeros in interface Sheet
whether all zero values on the worksheet are displayed


public void setDisplayZeros(boolean value)
Set whether the window should show 0 (zero) in cells containing zero value. When false, cells with zero value appear blank instead of showing the number zero.

In Excel 2003 this option can be set in the Options dialog on the View tab.

Specified by:
setDisplayZeros in interface Sheet
value - whether to display or hide all zero values on the worksheet


public boolean getFitToPage()
fit to page option is on

Specified by:
getFitToPage in interface Sheet
fit or not


public boolean getRowSumsBelow()
get if row summaries appear below detail in the outline

Specified by:
getRowSumsBelow in interface Sheet
below or not


public boolean getRowSumsRight()
get if col summaries appear right of the detail in the outline

Specified by:
getRowSumsRight in interface Sheet
right or not


public boolean isPrintGridlines()
Returns whether gridlines are printed.

Specified by:
isPrintGridlines in interface Sheet
Gridlines are printed
See Also:
to check if gridlines are displayed on screen


public void setPrintGridlines(boolean show)
Turns on or off the printing of gridlines.

Specified by:
setPrintGridlines in interface Sheet
show - boolean to turn on or off the printing of gridlines
See Also:
to display gridlines on screen


public boolean isPrintRowAndColumnHeadings()
Returns whether row and column headings are printed.

Specified by:
isPrintRowAndColumnHeadings in interface Sheet
row and column headings are printed


public void setPrintRowAndColumnHeadings(boolean show)
Turns on or off the printing of row and column headings.

Specified by:
setPrintRowAndColumnHeadings in interface Sheet
show - boolean to turn on or off the printing of row and column headings


public HSSFPrintSetup getPrintSetup()
Gets the print setup object.

Specified by:
getPrintSetup in interface Sheet
The user model for the print setup object.


public HSSFHeader getHeader()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Gets the user model for the default document header.

Note that XSSF offers more kinds of document headers than HSSF does

Specified by:
getHeader in interface Sheet
the document header. Never null


public HSSFFooter getFooter()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Gets the user model for the default document footer.

Note that XSSF offers more kinds of document footers than HSSF does.

Specified by:
getFooter in interface Sheet
the document footer. Never null


public boolean isSelected()
Note - this is not the same as whether the sheet is focused (isActive)

Specified by:
isSelected in interface Sheet
true if this sheet is currently selected


public void setSelected(boolean sel)
Sets whether sheet is selected.

Specified by:
setSelected in interface Sheet
sel - Whether to select the sheet or deselect the sheet.
See Also:


public boolean isActive()
true if this sheet is currently focused


public void setActive(boolean sel)
Sets whether sheet is selected.

sel - Whether to select the sheet or deselect the sheet.


public double getMargin(short margin)
Gets the size of the margin in inches.

Specified by:
getMargin in interface Sheet
margin - which margin to get
the size of the margin


public void setMargin(short margin,
                      double size)
Sets the size of the margin in inches.

Specified by:
setMargin in interface Sheet
margin - which margin to get
size - the size of the margin


public boolean getProtect()
Answer whether protection is enabled or disabled

Specified by:
getProtect in interface Sheet
true => protection enabled; false => protection disabled


public short getPassword()
hashed password


public boolean getObjectProtect()
Answer whether object protection is enabled or disabled

true => protection enabled; false => protection disabled


public boolean getScenarioProtect()
Answer whether scenario protection is enabled or disabled

Specified by:
getScenarioProtect in interface Sheet
true => protection enabled; false => protection disabled


public void protectSheet(java.lang.String password)
Sets the protection enabled as well as the password

Specified by:
protectSheet in interface Sheet
password - to set for protection. Pass null to remove protection


public void setZoom(int numerator,
                    int denominator)
Sets the zoom magnification for the sheet. The zoom is expressed as a fraction. For example to express a zoom of 75% use 3 for the numerator and 4 for the denominator.

numerator - The numerator for the zoom magnification.
denominator - The denominator for the zoom magnification.
See Also:


public void setZoom(int scale)
Window zoom magnification for current view representing percent values. Valid values range from 10 to 400. Horizontal & Vertical scale together. For example:
 10 - 10%
 20 - 20%
 100 - 100%
 400 - 400%

Specified by:
setZoom in interface Sheet
scale - window zoom magnification
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if scale is invalid


public short getTopRow()
The top row in the visible view when the sheet is first viewed after opening it in a viewer

Specified by:
getTopRow in interface Sheet
short indicating the rownum (0 based) of the top row


public short getLeftCol()
The left col in the visible view when the sheet is first viewed after opening it in a viewer

Specified by:
getLeftCol in interface Sheet
short indicating the rownum (0 based) of the top row


public void showInPane(int toprow,
                       int leftcol)
Sets desktop window pane display area, when the file is first opened in a viewer.

Specified by:
showInPane in interface Sheet
toprow - the top row to show in desktop window pane
leftcol - the left column to show in desktop window pane


protected void shiftMerged(int startRow,
                           int endRow,
                           int n,
                           boolean isRow)
Deprecated. POI 3.15 beta 2. Use RowShifter.shiftMergedRegions(int, int, int).

Shifts, grows, or shrinks the merged regions due to a row shift

startRow - the start-index of the rows to shift, zero-based
endRow - the end-index of the rows to shift, zero-based
n - how far to shift, negative to shift up
isRow - unused, kept for backwards compatibility


public void shiftRows(int startRow,
                      int endRow,
                      int n)
Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows. If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up. Code ensures that rows don't wrap around.

Calls shiftRows(startRow, endRow, n, false, false);

Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).

Specified by:
shiftRows in interface Sheet
startRow - the row to start shifting
endRow - the row to end shifting
n - the number of rows to shift


public void shiftRows(int startRow,
                      int endRow,
                      int n,
                      boolean copyRowHeight,
                      boolean resetOriginalRowHeight)
Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows. If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up. Code ensures that rows don't wrap around

Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted). All merged regions that are completely overlaid by shifting will be deleted.

TODO Might want to add bounds checking here

Specified by:
shiftRows in interface Sheet
startRow - the row to start shifting
endRow - the row to end shifting
n - the number of rows to shift
copyRowHeight - whether to copy the row height during the shift
resetOriginalRowHeight - whether to set the original row's height to the default


public void shiftRows(int startRow,
                      int endRow,
                      int n,
                      boolean copyRowHeight,
                      boolean resetOriginalRowHeight,
                      boolean moveComments)
Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows. If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up. Code ensures that rows don't wrap around

Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).

TODO Might want to add bounds checking here

startRow - the row to start shifting
endRow - the row to end shifting
n - the number of rows to shift
copyRowHeight - whether to copy the row height during the shift
resetOriginalRowHeight - whether to set the original row's height to the default
moveComments - whether to move comments at the same time as the cells they are attached to


protected void insertChartRecords(java.util.List<Record> records)


public void createFreezePane(int colSplit,
                             int rowSplit,
                             int leftmostColumn,
                             int topRow)
Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.

If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed

Specified by:
createFreezePane in interface Sheet
colSplit - Horizonatal position of split.
rowSplit - Vertical position of split.
leftmostColumn - Left column visible in right pane.
topRow - Top row visible in bottom pane


public void createFreezePane(int colSplit,
                             int rowSplit)
Creates a split (freezepane). Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.

If both colSplit and rowSplit are zero then the existing freeze pane is removed

Specified by:
createFreezePane in interface Sheet
colSplit - Horizonatal position of split.
rowSplit - Vertical position of split.


public void createSplitPane(int xSplitPos,
                            int ySplitPos,
                            int leftmostColumn,
                            int topRow,
                            int activePane)
Creates a split pane. Any existing freezepane or split pane is overwritten.

Specified by:
createSplitPane in interface Sheet
xSplitPos - Horizonatal position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
ySplitPos - Vertical position of split (in 1/20th of a point).
topRow - Top row visible in bottom pane
leftmostColumn - Left column visible in right pane.
See Also:


public PaneInformation getPaneInformation()
Returns the information regarding the currently configured pane (split or freeze).

Specified by:
getPaneInformation in interface Sheet
null if no pane configured, or the pane information.


public void setDisplayGridlines(boolean show)
Sets whether the gridlines are shown in a viewer.

Specified by:
setDisplayGridlines in interface Sheet
show - whether to show gridlines or not


public boolean isDisplayGridlines()
Returns if gridlines are displayed.

Specified by:
isDisplayGridlines in interface Sheet
whether gridlines are displayed


public void setDisplayFormulas(boolean show)
Sets whether the formulas are shown in a viewer.

Specified by:
setDisplayFormulas in interface Sheet
show - whether to show formulas or not


public boolean isDisplayFormulas()
Returns if formulas are displayed.

Specified by:
isDisplayFormulas in interface Sheet
whether formulas are displayed


public void setDisplayRowColHeadings(boolean show)
Sets whether the RowColHeadings are shown in a viewer.

Specified by:
setDisplayRowColHeadings in interface Sheet
show - whether to show RowColHeadings or not


public boolean isDisplayRowColHeadings()
Returns if RowColHeadings are displayed.

Specified by:
isDisplayRowColHeadings in interface Sheet
whether RowColHeadings are displayed


public void setRowBreak(int row)
Sets a page break at the indicated row Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.

For example, sheet.setColumnBreak(2); breaks the sheet into two parts with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, sheet.setRowBreak(2); breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.

Specified by:
setRowBreak in interface Sheet
row - the row to break, inclusive


public boolean isRowBroken(int row)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Determines if there is a page break at the indicated row

Specified by:
isRowBroken in interface Sheet
row - FIXME: Document this!
true if there is a page break at the indicated row


public void removeRowBreak(int row)
Removes the page break at the indicated row

Specified by:
removeRowBreak in interface Sheet


public int[] getRowBreaks()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Retrieves all the horizontal page breaks

Specified by:
getRowBreaks in interface Sheet
row indexes of all the horizontal page breaks, never null


public int[] getColumnBreaks()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Retrieves all the vertical page breaks

Specified by:
getColumnBreaks in interface Sheet
column indexes of all the vertical page breaks, never null


public void setColumnBreak(int column)
Sets a page break at the indicated column. Breaks occur above the specified row and left of the specified column inclusive.

For example, sheet.setColumnBreak(2); breaks the sheet into two parts with columns A,B,C in the first and D,E,... in the second. Simuilar, sheet.setRowBreak(2); breaks the sheet into two parts with first three rows (rownum=1...3) in the first part and rows starting with rownum=4 in the second.

Specified by:
setColumnBreak in interface Sheet
column - the column to break, inclusive


public boolean isColumnBroken(int column)
Determines if there is a page break at the indicated column

Specified by:
isColumnBroken in interface Sheet
column - FIXME: Document this!
FIXME: Document this!


public void removeColumnBreak(int column)
Removes a page break at the indicated column

Specified by:
removeColumnBreak in interface Sheet
column - The index of the column for which to remove a page-break, zero-based


protected void validateRow(int row)
Runs a bounds check for row numbers

row - the index of the row to validate, zero-based


protected void validateColumn(int column)
Runs a bounds check for column numbers

column - the index of the column to validate, zero-based


public void dumpDrawingRecords(boolean fat,
Aggregates the drawing records and dumps the escher record hierarchy to the standard output.


public EscherAggregate getDrawingEscherAggregate()
Returns the agregate escher records for this sheet, it there is one.


public HSSFPatriarch getDrawingPatriarch()
This will hold any graphics or charts for the sheet.

Specified by:
getDrawingPatriarch in interface Sheet
the top-level drawing patriarch, if there is one, else returns null


public HSSFPatriarch createDrawingPatriarch()
Creates the top-level drawing patriarch.

This may then be used to add graphics or charts.

Note that this will normally have the effect of removing any existing drawings on this sheet.

Specified by:
createDrawingPatriarch in interface Sheet
The new patriarch.


public void setColumnGroupCollapsed(int columnNumber,
                                    boolean collapsed)
Expands or collapses a column group.

Specified by:
setColumnGroupCollapsed in interface Sheet
columnNumber - One of the columns in the group.
collapsed - true = collapse group, false = expand group.


public void groupColumn(int fromColumn,
                        int toColumn)
Create an outline for the provided column range.

Specified by:
groupColumn in interface Sheet
fromColumn - beginning of the column range.
toColumn - end of the column range.


public void ungroupColumn(int fromColumn,
                          int toColumn)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Ungroup a range of columns that were previously grouped

Specified by:
ungroupColumn in interface Sheet
fromColumn - start column (0-based)
toColumn - end column (0-based)


public void groupRow(int fromRow,
                     int toRow)
Tie a range of cell together so that they can be collapsed or expanded

Specified by:
groupRow in interface Sheet
fromRow - start row (0-based)
toRow - end row (0-based)


public void ungroupRow(int fromRow,
                       int toRow)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Ungroup a range of rows that were previously grouped

Specified by:
ungroupRow in interface Sheet
fromRow - start row (0-based)
toRow - end row (0-based)


public void setRowGroupCollapsed(int rowIndex,
                                 boolean collapse)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Set view state of a grouped range of rows

Specified by:
setRowGroupCollapsed in interface Sheet
rowIndex - start row of a grouped range of rows (0-based)
collapse - whether to expand/collapse the detail rows


public void setDefaultColumnStyle(int column,
                                  CellStyle style)
Sets the default column style for a given column. POI will only apply this style to new cells added to the sheet.

Specified by:
setDefaultColumnStyle in interface Sheet
column - the column index
style - the style to set


public void autoSizeColumn(int column)
Adjusts the column width to fit the contents.

This process can be relatively slow on large sheets, so this should normally only be called once per column, at the end of your processing.

Specified by:
autoSizeColumn in interface Sheet
column - the column index


public void autoSizeColumn(int column,
                           boolean useMergedCells)
Adjusts the column width to fit the contents.

This process can be relatively slow on large sheets, so this should normally only be called once per column, at the end of your processing.

You can specify whether the content of merged cells should be considered or ignored. Default is to ignore merged cells.

Specified by:
autoSizeColumn in interface Sheet
column - the column index
useMergedCells - whether to use the contents of merged cells when calculating the width of the column


public HSSFComment getCellComment(CellAddress ref)
Returns cell comment for the specified row and column

Specified by:
getCellComment in interface Sheet
cell comment or null if not found


public HSSFHyperlink getHyperlink(int row,
                                  int column)
Get a Hyperlink in this sheet anchored at row, column

Specified by:
getHyperlink in interface Sheet
row - The index of the row of the hyperlink, zero-based
column - the index of the column of the hyperlink, zero-based
hyperlink if there is a hyperlink anchored at row, column; otherwise returns null


public HSSFHyperlink getHyperlink(CellAddress addr)
Get a Hyperlink in this sheet located in a cell specified by {code addr}

Specified by:
getHyperlink in interface Sheet
addr - The address of the cell containing the hyperlink
hyperlink if there is a hyperlink anchored at addr; otherwise returns null
POI 3.15 beta 3


public java.util.List<HSSFHyperlink> getHyperlinkList()
Get a list of Hyperlinks in this sheet

Specified by:
getHyperlinkList in interface Sheet
Hyperlinks for the sheet


protected void removeHyperlink(HSSFHyperlink link)
Remove the underlying HyperlinkRecord from this sheet. If multiple HSSFHyperlinks refer to the same HyperlinkRecord, all HSSFHyperlinks will be removed.

link - the HSSFHyperlink wrapper around the HyperlinkRecord to remove


protected void removeHyperlink(HyperlinkRecord link)
Remove the underlying HyperlinkRecord from this sheet

link - the underlying HyperlinkRecord to remove from this sheet


public HSSFSheetConditionalFormatting getSheetConditionalFormatting()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
The 'Conditional Formatting' facet for this Sheet

Specified by:
getSheetConditionalFormatting in interface Sheet
conditional formatting rule for this sheet


public java.lang.String getSheetName()
Returns the name of this sheet

Specified by:
getSheetName in interface Sheet
the name of this sheet


public CellRange<HSSFCell> setArrayFormula(java.lang.String formula,
                                           CellRangeAddress range)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Sets array formula to specified region for result.

Specified by:
setArrayFormula in interface Sheet
formula - text representation of the formula
range - Region of array formula for result.
the CellRange of cells affected by this change


public CellRange<HSSFCell> removeArrayFormula(Cell cell)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Remove a Array Formula from this sheet. All cells contained in the Array Formula range are removed as well

Specified by:
removeArrayFormula in interface Sheet
cell - any cell within Array Formula range
the CellRange of cells affected by this change


public DataValidationHelper getDataValidationHelper()
Specified by:
getDataValidationHelper in interface Sheet


public HSSFAutoFilter setAutoFilter(CellRangeAddress range)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Enable filtering for a range of cells

Specified by:
setAutoFilter in interface Sheet
range - the range of cells to filter


protected HSSFComment findCellComment(int row,
                                      int column)


public java.util.Map<CellAddress,HSSFComment> getCellComments()
Returns all cell comments on this sheet.

Specified by:
getCellComments in interface Sheet
A map of each Comment in the sheet, keyed on the cell address where the comment is located.


public CellRangeAddress getRepeatingRows()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Gets the repeating rows used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.

Repeating rows cover a range of contiguous rows, e.g.:

The CellRangeAddress returned contains a column part which spans all columns, and a row part which specifies the contiguous range of repeating rows.

If the Sheet does not have any repeating rows defined, null is returned.

Specified by:
getRepeatingRows in interface Sheet
an CellRangeAddress containing the repeating rows for the Sheet, or null.


public CellRangeAddress getRepeatingColumns()
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Gets the repeating columns used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.

Repeating columns cover a range of contiguous columns, e.g.:

The CellRangeAddress returned contains a row part which spans all rows, and a column part which specifies the contiguous range of repeating columns.

If the Sheet does not have any repeating columns defined, null is returned.

Specified by:
getRepeatingColumns in interface Sheet
an CellRangeAddress containing the repeating columns for the Sheet, or null.


public void setRepeatingRows(CellRangeAddress rowRangeRef)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Sets the repeating rows used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.

Repeating rows cover a range of contiguous rows, e.g.:

The parameter CellRangeAddress should specify a column part which spans all columns, and a row part which specifies the contiguous range of repeating rows, e.g.:
A null parameter value indicates that repeating rows should be removed from the Sheet:

Specified by:
setRepeatingRows in interface Sheet
rowRangeRef - a CellRangeAddress containing the repeating rows for the Sheet, or null.


public void setRepeatingColumns(CellRangeAddress columnRangeRef)
Description copied from interface: Sheet
Sets the repeating columns used when printing the sheet, as found in File->PageSetup->Sheet.

Repeating columns cover a range of contiguous columns, e.g.:

The parameter CellRangeAddress should specify a row part which spans all rows, and a column part which specifies the contiguous range of repeating columns, e.g.:
A null parameter value indicates that repeating columns should be removed from the Sheet:

Specified by:
setRepeatingColumns in interface Sheet
columnRangeRef - a CellRangeAddress containing the repeating columns for the Sheet, or null.


public int getColumnOutlineLevel(int columnIndex)
Returns the column outline level. Increased as you put it into more groups (outlines), reduced as you take it out of them.

Specified by:
getColumnOutlineLevel in interface Sheet


public CellAddress getActiveCell()
Return location of the active cell, e.g. A1.

Specified by:
getActiveCell in interface Sheet
the location of the active cell.


public void setActiveCell(CellAddress address)
Sets location of the active cell

Specified by:
setActiveCell in interface Sheet
address - the location of the active cell, e.g. A1.