@Beta public class XDDFTextRun extends java.lang.Object
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTRegularTextRun run,
XDDFTextParagraph parent) |
protected |
XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextField run,
XDDFTextParagraph parent) |
protected |
XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextLineBreak run,
XDDFTextParagraph parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
XDDFHyperlink |
createMouseOver(java.lang.String action) |
java.util.Locale |
getAlternativeLanguage() |
java.lang.String |
getBookmark() |
CapsType |
getCapitals() |
java.lang.Double |
getCharacterKerning() |
java.lang.Double |
getCharacterSpacing() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getDirty() |
XDDFColor |
getFontColor() |
XDDFFont[] |
getFonts() |
java.lang.Double |
getFontSize() |
XDDFColor |
getHighlight() |
XDDFHyperlink |
getHyperlink() |
java.util.Locale |
getLanguage() |
XDDFLineProperties |
getLineProperties() |
XDDFHyperlink |
getMouseOver() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getNoProof() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getNormalizeHeights() |
XDDFTextParagraph |
getParentParagraph() |
protected org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextCharacterProperties |
getProperties() |
java.lang.Boolean |
getSpellError() |
StrikeType |
getStrikeThrough() |
java.lang.String |
getText() |
UnderlineType |
getUnderline() |
boolean |
isBold() |
boolean |
isCapitals() |
boolean |
isField() |
boolean |
isItalic() |
boolean |
isKumimoji() |
boolean |
isLineBreak() |
boolean |
isRegularRun() |
boolean |
isStrikeThrough() |
boolean |
isSubscript() |
boolean |
isSuperscript() |
boolean |
isUnderline() |
XDDFHyperlink |
linkToAction(java.lang.String action) |
XDDFHyperlink |
linkToExternal(java.lang.String url,
PackagePart localPart,
POIXMLRelation relation) |
XDDFHyperlink |
linkToInternal(java.lang.String action,
PackagePart localPart,
POIXMLRelation relation,
PackagePartName target) |
void |
setAlternativeLanguage(java.util.Locale lang) |
void |
setBaseline(java.lang.Double offset)
Set the baseline for both the superscript and subscript fonts.
void |
setBold(java.lang.Boolean bold)
Specifies whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text.
void |
setBookmark(java.lang.String bookmark) |
void |
setCapitals(CapsType caps) |
void |
setCharacterKerning(java.lang.Double kerning)
Set the kerning of characters within a text run.
void |
setCharacterSpacing(java.lang.Double spacing)
Set the spacing between characters within a text run.
void |
setDirty(java.lang.Boolean dirty) |
void |
setFillProperties(XDDFFillProperties properties) |
void |
setFontColor(XDDFColor color) |
void |
setFonts(XDDFFont[] fonts)
Note: In order to get fonts to unset the property for a given font family use
XDDFFont.unsetFontForGroup(FontGroup) |
void |
setFontSize(java.lang.Double size) |
void |
setHighlight(XDDFColor color) |
void |
setItalic(java.lang.Boolean italic) |
void |
setKumimoji(java.lang.Boolean kumimoji) |
void |
setLanguage(java.util.Locale lang) |
void |
setLineProperties(XDDFLineProperties properties) |
void |
setNoProof(java.lang.Boolean noproof) |
void |
setNormalizeHeights(java.lang.Boolean normalize) |
void |
setSpellError(java.lang.Boolean error) |
void |
setStrikeThrough(StrikeType strike) |
void |
setSubscript(java.lang.Double offset)
Set whether the text in this run is formatted as subscript.
void |
setSuperscript(java.lang.Double offset)
Set whether the text in this run is formatted as superscript.
void |
setText(java.lang.String text) |
void |
setUnderline(UnderlineType underline) |
@Internal protected XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextLineBreak run, XDDFTextParagraph parent)
@Internal protected XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextField run, XDDFTextParagraph parent)
@Internal protected XDDFTextRun(org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTRegularTextRun run, XDDFTextParagraph parent)
public XDDFTextParagraph getParentParagraph()
public boolean isLineBreak()
public boolean isField()
public boolean isRegularRun()
public java.lang.String getText()
public void setText(java.lang.String text)
public void setDirty(java.lang.Boolean dirty)
public java.lang.Boolean getDirty()
public void setSpellError(java.lang.Boolean error)
public java.lang.Boolean getSpellError()
public void setNoProof(java.lang.Boolean noproof)
public java.lang.Boolean getNoProof()
public void setNormalizeHeights(java.lang.Boolean normalize)
public java.lang.Boolean getNormalizeHeights()
public void setKumimoji(java.lang.Boolean kumimoji)
public boolean isKumimoji()
public void setBold(java.lang.Boolean bold)
- whether this run of text will be formatted as bold text.public boolean isBold()
public void setItalic(java.lang.Boolean italic)
- whether this run of text is formatted as italic text.public boolean isItalic()
public void setStrikeThrough(StrikeType strike)
- which strike style this run of text is formatted with.public boolean isStrikeThrough()
public StrikeType getStrikeThrough()
public void setUnderline(UnderlineType underline)
- which underline style this run of text is formatted with.public boolean isUnderline()
public UnderlineType getUnderline()
public void setCapitals(CapsType caps)
- which caps style this run of text is formatted with.public boolean isCapitals()
public CapsType getCapitals()
public boolean isSubscript()
public boolean isSuperscript()
public void setBaseline(java.lang.Double offset)
The size is specified using a percentage. Positive values indicate superscript, negative values indicate subscript.
public void setSuperscript(java.lang.Double offset)
The size is specified using a percentage.
public void setSubscript(java.lang.Double offset)
The size is specified using a percentage.
public void setFillProperties(XDDFFillProperties properties)
public void setFontColor(XDDFColor color)
public XDDFColor getFontColor()
public void setFonts(XDDFFont[] fonts)
- to set or unset on the run.public XDDFFont[] getFonts()
public void setFontSize(java.lang.Double size)
- font size in points. The value null
unsets the
size for this run.
public java.lang.Double getFontSize()
public void setCharacterKerning(java.lang.Double kerning)
The value null
unsets the kerning for this run.
- character kerning in points.
public java.lang.Double getCharacterKerning()
.public void setCharacterSpacing(java.lang.Double spacing)
The spacing is specified in points. Positive values will cause the text to expand, negative values to condense.
The value null
unsets the spacing for this run.
- character spacing in points.
public java.lang.Double getCharacterSpacing()
.public void setBookmark(java.lang.String bookmark)
public java.lang.String getBookmark()
public XDDFHyperlink linkToExternal(java.lang.String url, PackagePart localPart, POIXMLRelation relation)
public XDDFHyperlink linkToAction(java.lang.String action)
public XDDFHyperlink linkToInternal(java.lang.String action, PackagePart localPart, POIXMLRelation relation, PackagePartName target)
public XDDFHyperlink getHyperlink()
public XDDFHyperlink createMouseOver(java.lang.String action)
public XDDFHyperlink getMouseOver()
public void setLanguage(java.util.Locale lang)
public java.util.Locale getLanguage()
public void setAlternativeLanguage(java.util.Locale lang)
public java.util.Locale getAlternativeLanguage()
public void setHighlight(XDDFColor color)
public XDDFColor getHighlight()
public void setLineProperties(XDDFLineProperties properties)
public XDDFLineProperties getLineProperties()
@Internal protected org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.main.CTTextCharacterProperties getProperties()
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