Interface | Description |
HwmfEscape.HwmfEscapeData | |
HwmfFill.HwmfImageRecord |
A record which contains an image (to be extracted)
HwmfObjectTableEntry |
Marker interface for Records, which should be added to the
WMF object table for further selection
HwmfRecord |
Class | Description |
HwmfBitmap16 | |
HwmfBitmapDib |
The DeviceIndependentBitmap Object defines an image in device-independent bitmap (DIB) format.
HwmfColorRef |
A 32-bit ColorRef Object that defines the color value.
HwmfDraw | |
HwmfDraw.WmfArc |
The META_ARC record draws an elliptical arc.
HwmfDraw.WmfChord |
The META_CHORD record draws a chord, which is defined by a region bounded by the intersection of
an ellipse with a line segment.
HwmfDraw.WmfEllipse |
The META_ELLIPSE record draws an ellipse.
HwmfDraw.WmfFrameRegion |
The META_FRAMEREGION record draws a border around a specified region using a specified brush.
HwmfDraw.WmfLineTo |
The META_LINETO record draws a line from the drawing position that is defined in the playback
device context up to, but not including, the specified point.
HwmfDraw.WmfMoveTo |
The META_MOVETO record sets the output position in the playback device context to a specified
HwmfDraw.WmfPie |
The META_PIE record draws a pie-shaped wedge bounded by the intersection of an ellipse and two
HwmfDraw.WmfPolygon |
The META_POLYGON record paints a polygon consisting of two or more vertices connected by
straight lines.
HwmfDraw.WmfPolyline |
The META_POLYLINE record draws a series of line segments by connecting the points in the
specified array.
HwmfDraw.WmfPolyPolygon |
The META_POLYPOLYGON record paints a series of closed polygons.
HwmfDraw.WmfRectangle |
The META_RECTANGLE record paints a rectangle.
HwmfDraw.WmfRoundRect |
The META_ROUNDRECT record paints a rectangle with rounded corners.
HwmfDraw.WmfSelectObject |
The META_SELECTOBJECT record specifies a graphics object for the playback device context.
HwmfDraw.WmfSetPixel |
The META_SETPIXEL record sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color.
HwmfEscape |
The MetafileEscapes specifies printer driver functionality that
might not be directly accessible through WMF records
HwmfEscape.WmfEscapeEMF | |
HwmfEscape.WmfEscapeUnknownData | |
HwmfFill | |
HwmfFill.WmfBitBlt | |
HwmfFill.WmfDibBitBlt | |
HwmfFill.WmfDibStretchBlt |
The META_DIBSTRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels in device-independent format
according to a raster operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFill.WmfExtFloodFill |
The META_EXTFLOODFILL record fills an area with the brush that is defined in
the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfFillRegion |
The META_FILLREGION record fills a region using a specified brush.
HwmfFill.WmfFloodFill |
The META_FLOODFILL record fills an area of the output surface with the brush that
is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfInvertRegion |
The META_INVERTREGION record draws a region in which the colors are inverted.
HwmfFill.WmfPaintRegion |
The META_PAINTREGION record paints the specified region by using the brush that is
defined in the playback device context.
HwmfFill.WmfPatBlt |
The META_PATBLT record paints a specified rectangle using the brush that is defined in the playback
device context.
HwmfFill.WmfSetDibToDev |
The META_SETDIBTODEV record sets a block of pixels in the playback device context
using deviceindependent color data.
HwmfFill.WmfSetPolyfillMode |
The META_SETPOLYFILLMODE record sets polygon fill mode in the playback device context for
graphics operations that fill polygons.
HwmfFill.WmfStretchBlt |
The META_STRETCHBLT record specifies the transfer of a block of pixels according to a raster
operation, with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFill.WmfStretchDib |
The META_STRETCHDIB record specifies the transfer of color data from a
block of pixels in device independent format according to a raster operation,
with possible expansion or contraction.
HwmfFont |
The Font object specifies the attributes of a logical font
HwmfFont.WmfClipPrecision |
ClipPrecision Flags specify clipping precision, which defines how to clip characters that are
partially outside a clipping region.
HwmfHeader | |
HwmfMisc | |
HwmfMisc.WmfCreateBrushIndirect |
The META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record creates a Brush Object
from a LogBrush Object.
HwmfMisc.WmfCreatePatternBrush | |
HwmfMisc.WmfCreatePenIndirect | |
HwmfMisc.WmfDeleteObject |
The META_DELETEOBJECT record deletes an object, including Bitmap16, Brush,
DeviceIndependentBitmap, Font, Palette, Pen, and Region.
HwmfMisc.WmfDibCreatePatternBrush |
The META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH record creates a Brush Object with a
pattern specified by a DeviceIndependentBitmap (DIB) Object
HwmfMisc.WmfRestoreDc |
The META_RESTOREDC record restores the playback device context from a previously saved device
HwmfMisc.WmfSaveDc |
The META_SAVEDC record saves the playback device context for later retrieval.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkColor |
The META_SETBKCOLOR record sets the background color in the playback device context to a
specified color, or to the nearest physical color if the device cannot represent the specified color.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkMode |
The META_SETBKMODE record defines the background raster operation mix mode in the playback
device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetLayout |
The META_SETLAYOUT record defines the layout orientation in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetMapMode |
The META_SETMAPMODE record defines the mapping mode in the playback device context.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetMapperFlags |
The META_SETMAPPERFLAGS record defines the algorithm that the font mapper uses when it maps
logical fonts to physical fonts.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetRelabs |
The META_SETRELABS record is reserved and not supported.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetRop2 |
The META_SETROP2 record defines the foreground raster operation mix mode in the playback device
HwmfMisc.WmfSetStretchBltMode |
The META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE record defines the bitmap stretching mode in the playback device
HwmfPalette | |
HwmfPalette.PaletteEntry | |
HwmfPalette.WmfAnimatePalette |
The META_ANIMATEPALETTE record redefines entries in the logical palette that
is defined in the playback device context with the specified Palette object
The logical palette that is specified by the Palette object in this record is the
source of the palette changes, and the logical palette that is currently selected
into the playback device context is the destination.
HwmfPalette.WmfCreatePalette |
The META_CREATEPALETTE record creates a Palette Object
HwmfPalette.WmfPaletteParent | |
HwmfPalette.WmfRealizePalette |
The META_REALIZEPALETTE record maps entries from the logical palette that
is defined in the playback device context to the system palette.
HwmfPalette.WmfResizePalette |
The META_RESIZEPALETTE record redefines the size of the logical palette that is defined in the
playback device context.
HwmfPalette.WmfSelectPalette |
The META_SELECTPALETTE record defines the current logical palette with a specified Palette Object.
HwmfPalette.WmfSetPaletteEntries |
The META_SETPALENTRIES record defines RGB color values in a range of entries in the logical
palette that is defined in the playback device context.
HwmfPenStyle |
The 16-bit PenStyle Enumeration is used to specify different types of pens
that can be used in graphics operations.
HwmfPlaceableHeader | |
HwmfText | |
HwmfText.WmfCreateFontIndirect | |
HwmfText.WmfExtTextOut |
The META_EXTTEXTOUT record outputs text by using the font, background color, and text color that
are defined in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfExtTextOutOptions | |
HwmfText.WmfSetTextAlign |
The META_SETTEXTALIGN record defines text-alignment values in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextCharExtra |
The META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA record defines inter-character spacing for text justification in the
playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextColor |
The META_SETTEXTCOLOR record defines the text foreground color in the playback device context.
HwmfText.WmfSetTextJustification |
The META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION record defines the amount of space to add to break characters
in a string of justified text.
HwmfText.WmfTextOut |
The META_TEXTOUT record outputs a character string at the specified location by using the font,
background color, and text color that are defined in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing | |
HwmfWindowing.WmfCreateRegion | |
HwmfWindowing.WmfExcludeClipRect |
The META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the playback device context to the
existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
HwmfWindowing.WmfIntersectClipRect |
The META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record sets the clipping region in the playback device context to the
intersection of the existing clipping region and the specified rectangle.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetClipRgn |
The META_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the clipping region in the playback device context by the
specified offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetViewportOrg |
The META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG record moves the viewport origin in the playback device context
by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfOffsetWindowOrg |
The META_OFFSETWINDOWORG record moves the output window origin in the
playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScaleViewportExt |
The META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT record scales the horizontal and vertical extents of the viewport
that is defined in the playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified
multiplicands and divisors.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScaleWindowExt |
The META_OFFSETWINDOWORG record moves the output window origin in the
playback device context by specified horizontal and vertical offsets.
HwmfWindowing.WmfScanObject | |
HwmfWindowing.WmfSelectClipRegion |
The META_SELECTCLIPREGION record specifies a Region Object to be the current clipping region.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetViewportExt |
The META_SETVIEWPORTEXT record sets the horizontal and vertical extents
of the viewport in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetViewportOrg |
The META_SETVIEWPORTORG record defines the viewport origin in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetWindowExt |
The META_SETWINDOWEXT record defines the horizontal and vertical extents
of the output window in the playback device context.
HwmfWindowing.WmfSetWindowOrg |
The META_SETWINDOWORG record defines the output window origin in the playback device context.
Enum | Description |
HwmfBinaryRasterOp |
The BinaryRasterOperation Enumeration section lists the binary raster-operation codes.
HwmfBitmapDib.BitCount | |
HwmfBitmapDib.Compression | |
HwmfBrushStyle |
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the brush style.
HwmfDraw.WmfArc.WmfArcClosure | |
HwmfEscape.EscapeFunction | |
HwmfFill.ColorUsage |
The ColorUsage Enumeration (a 16-bit unsigned integer) specifies whether a color table
exists in a device-independent bitmap (DIB) and how to interpret its values,
HwmfFill.WmfExtFloodFill.HwmfFloodFillMode | |
HwmfFill.WmfSetPolyfillMode.HwmfPolyfillMode |
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines polygon fill mode.
HwmfFont.WmfFontQuality |
The output quality defines how carefully to attempt to match the logical font attributes to those of an actual
physical font.
HwmfFont.WmfOutPrecision |
The output precision defines how closely the output must match the requested font's height,
width, character orientation, escapement, pitch, and font type.
HwmfHatchStyle |
The HatchStyle Enumeration specifies the hatch pattern.
HwmfHeader.HwmfHeaderMetaType | |
HwmfMapMode |
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the mapping mode.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetBkMode.HwmfBkMode |
A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines background mix mode.
HwmfMisc.WmfSetStretchBltMode.StretchBltMode | |
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineCap | |
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineDash | |
HwmfPenStyle.HwmfLineJoin | |
HwmfRecordType |
Available record types for WMF
HwmfRegionMode | |
HwmfTernaryRasterOp |
Each ternary raster operation code represents a Boolean operation in which the values of the pixels in
the source, the selected brush, and the destination are combined.
HwmfText.HwmfTextAlignment | |
HwmfText.HwmfTextVerticalAlignment |
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