Class | Description |
AreaFormatRecord |
The area format record is used to define the colours and patterns for an area.
AreaRecord |
The area record is used to define a area chart.
AxisLineFormatRecord |
The axis line format record defines the axis type details.
AxisOptionsRecord |
The axis options record provides unit information and other various tidbits about the axis.
AxisParentRecord |
The axis size and location
AxisRecord |
The axis record defines the type of an axis.
AxisUsedRecord |
The number of axes used on a chart.
BarRecord |
The bar record is used to define a bar chart.
BeginRecord |
The begin record defines the start of a block of records for a (graphing
data object.
CategorySeriesAxisRecord |
This record refers to a category or series axis and is used to specify label/tickmark frequency.
CatLabRecord |
CATLAB - Category Labels (0x0856)
ChartEndBlockRecord |
ENDBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type End Block (0x0853)
ChartEndObjectRecord |
ENDOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type End Object (0x0855)
ChartFormatRecord |
Class ChartFormatRecord (0x1014)
ChartFRTInfoRecord |
CHARTFRTINFO - Chart Future Record Type Info (0x0850)
ChartRecord |
CHART (0x1002)
ChartStartBlockRecord |
STARTBLOCK - Chart Future Record Type Start Block (0x0852)
ChartStartObjectRecord |
STARTOBJECT - Chart Future Record Type Start Object (0x0854)
ChartTitleFormatRecord |
DataFormatRecord |
The data format record is used to index into a series.
DataLabelExtensionRecord |
DATALABEXT - Chart Data Label Extension (0x086A)
DatRecord |
The dat record is used to store options for the chart.
DefaultDataLabelTextPropertiesRecord |
The default data label text properties record identifies the text characteristics of the preceding text record.
EndRecord |
The end record defines the end of a block of records for a (Graphing)
data object.
FontBasisRecord |
The font basis record stores various font metrics.
FontIndexRecord |
The font index record indexes into the font table for the text record.
FrameRecord |
The frame record indicates whether there is a border around the displayed text of a chart.
LegendRecord |
Defines a legend for a chart.
LineFormatRecord |
Describes a line format record.
LinkedDataRecord |
Describes a linked data record.
NumberFormatIndexRecord |
The number format index record indexes format table.
ObjectLinkRecord |
Links text to an object on the chart or identifies it as the title.
PlotAreaRecord |
preceeds and identifies a frame as belonging to the plot area.
PlotGrowthRecord |
The plot growth record specifies the scaling factors used when a font is scaled.
SeriesChartGroupIndexRecord |
The series chart group index record stores the index to the CHARTFORMAT record (0 based).
SeriesIndexRecord |
links a series to its position in the series list.
SeriesLabelsRecord |
The series label record defines the type of label associated with the data format record.
SeriesListRecord |
SeriesRecord |
The series record describes the overall data for a series.
SeriesTextRecord |
SheetPropertiesRecord |
Describes a chart sheet properties record.
TextRecord |
The text record is used to define text stored on a chart.
TickRecord |
The Tick record defines how tick marks and label positioning/formatting
UnitsRecord |
The units record describes units.
ValueRangeRecord |
The value range record defines the range of the value axis.
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