Package | Description |
org.apache.poi.hemf.draw | |
org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emf | |
org.apache.poi.hemf.record.emfplus |
Class and Description |
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchStyle |
HemfPlusRecord |
Class and Description |
HemfPlusRecord |
Class and Description |
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusBrushData |
The BrushType enumeration defines types of graphics brushes, which are used to fill graphics regions.
HemfPlusBrush.EmfPlusHatchStyle |
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusCompressed |
The EmfPlusFillRegion record specifies filling the interior of a graphics region.
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusRelativePosition |
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusSolidColor |
HemfPlusDraw.EmfPlusUnitType |
HemfPlusHeader.EmfPlusGraphicsVersion |
The GraphicsVersion enumeration defines versions of operating system graphics that are used to
create EMF+ metafiles.
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusBitmapDataType |
The ImageDataType enumeration defines types of image data formats.
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusMetafileDataType |
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusObjectClamp |
HemfPlusImage.EmfPlusPixelFormat |
The WrapMode enumeration defines how the pattern from a texture or gradient brush is tiled
across a shape or at shape boundaries, when it is smaller than the area being filled.
HemfPlusMisc.CombineMode |
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusFlagOnly |
HemfPlusMisc.EmfPlusObjectId |
The EmfPlusSave record saves the graphics state, identified by a specified index, on a stack of saved
graphics states.
The EmfPlusSetClipPath record combines the current clipping region with a graphics path.
The EmfPlusSetWorldTransform record sets the world transform according to the values in a
specified transform matrix.
HemfPlusObject.EmfPlusObjectData |
The ObjectType enumeration defines types of graphics objects that can be created and used in graphics operations.
HemfPlusPath.EmfPlusPath |
The PathPointType enumeration defines types of points on a graphics path.
HemfPlusPen.EmfPlusCustomLineCap |
The DashedLineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of dashed lines
that are drawn with graphics pens.
The LineCapType enumeration defines types of line caps to use at the ends of lines that are drawn
with graphics pens.
The LineJoinType enumeration defines ways to join two lines that are drawn by the same graphics
pen and whose ends meet.
The LineStyle enumeration defines styles of lines that are drawn with graphics pens.
The PenAlignment enumeration defines the distribution of the width of the pen with respect to the
line being drawn.
HemfPlusRecord |
HemfPlusRecordType |
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionNodeData |
HemfPlusRegion.EmfPlusRegionNodeDataType |
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