Package org.apache.poi.util

Top-level util package are classes that are useful throughout the project.


Interface Summary
DelayableLittleEndianOutput Implementors of this interface allow client code to 'delay' writing to a certain section of a data output stream.
A typical application is for writing BIFF records when the size is not known until well after the header has been written.
FixedField behavior of a field at a fixed location within a byte array
LittleEndianConsts a repository for constants shared by classes within this package
TempFileCreationStrategy Interface used by the TempFile utility class to create temporary files.

Class Summary
ArrayUtil Utility classes for dealing with arrays.
BitField Manage operations dealing with bit-mapped fields.
BitFieldFactory Returns immutable Bitfield instances.
BoundedInputStream This is a stream that will only supply bytes up to a certain length - if its position goes above that, it will stop.
ByteField representation of a byte (8-bit) field at a fixed location within a byte array
CloseIgnoringInputStream A wrapper around an InputStream, which ignores close requests made to it.
CodePageUtil Utilities for working with Microsoft CodePages.
CommonsLogger A logger class that strives to make it as easy as possible for developers to write log calls, while simultaneously making those calls as cheap as possible by performing lazy evaluation of the log message.
Configurator Helper for fetching int values from system properties
DefaultTempFileCreationStrategy Default implementation of the TempFileCreationStrategy used by TempFile: Files are collected into one directory and by default are deleted on exit from the VM.
DrawingDump Dump out the aggregated escher records
HexDump dump data in hexadecimal format
HexRead Utilities to read hex from files.
IntegerField representation of an integer (32-bit) field at a fixed location within a byte array
IntList A List of int's; as full an implementation of the java.util.List interface as possible, with an eye toward minimal creation of objects the mimicry of List is as follows: if possible, operations designated 'optional' in the List interface are attempted wherever the List interface refers to an Object, substitute int wherever the List interface refers to a Collection or List, substitute IntList the mimicry is not perfect, however: operations involving Iterators or ListIterators are not supported remove(Object) becomes removeValue to distinguish it from remove(int index) subList is not supported
IntMapper<T> A List of objects that are indexed AND keyed by an int; also allows for getting the index of a value in the list
LittleEndian a utility class for handling little-endian numbers, which the 80x86 world is replete with.
LittleEndianByteArrayInputStream Adapts a plain byte array to LittleEndianInput
LittleEndianByteArrayOutputStream Adapts a plain byte array to LittleEndianOutput
LittleEndianCP950Reader Stream that converts CP950 (MSOffice's dialect of Big5), with zero-byte padding for ASCII and in LittleEndianOrder.
LittleEndianInputStream Wraps an InputStream providing LittleEndianInput
LocaleUtil This utility class is used to set locale and time zone settings beside of the JDK internal Locale.setDefault(Locale) and TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone) methods, because the locale/time zone specific handling of certain office documents - maybe for different time zones / locales ...
LongField representation of a long (16-bit) field at a fixed location within a byte array
LZWDecompresser This class provides common functionality for the various LZW implementations in the different file formats.
NullLogger A logger class that strives to make it as easy as possible for developers to write log calls, while simultaneously making those calls as cheap as possible by performing lazy evaluation of the log message.
POILogFactory Provides logging without clients having to mess with configuration/initialization.
POILogger A logger interface that strives to make it as easy as possible for developers to write log calls, while simultaneously making those calls as cheap as possible by performing lazy evaluation of the log message.
ReplacingInputStream Simple FilterInputStream that can replace occurrences of bytes with something else.
RLEDecompressingInputStream Wrapper of InputStream which provides Run Length Encoding (RLE) decompression on the fly.
ShortField representation of a short (16-bit) field at a fixed location within a byte array
StaxHelper Provides handy methods for working with StAX parsers and readers
StringUtil Collection of string handling utilities
StringUtil.StringsIterator An Iterator over an array of Strings.
SystemOutLogger A logger class that strives to make it as easy as possible for developers to write log calls, while simultaneously making those calls as cheap as possible by performing lazy evaluation of the log message.
TempFile Interface for creating temporary files.
TempFile.DefaultTempFileCreationStrategy Deprecated. POI 3.15 beta 3.
XMLHelper Helper methods for working with javax.xml classes.

Exception Summary
DocumentFormatException This is similar to RecordFormatException, except this is thrown when there's a higher order problem with parsing a document beyond individual records.
LittleEndian.BufferUnderrunException Exception to handle buffer underruns
RecordFormatException A common exception thrown by our binary format parsers (especially HSSF and DDF), when they hit invalid format or data when processing a record.

Annotation Types Summary
Beta Signifies that a public API (public class, method or field) is subject to incompatible changes, or even removal, in a future release.
Internal Program elements annotated @Internal are intended for POI internal use only.
NotImplemented This feature has not been implemented yet.
Removal Program elements annotated @Removal track the earliest final release when a deprecated feature will be removed.
SuppressForbidden Marking class for elements to be ignored by the forbidden apis check

Package org.apache.poi.util Description

Top-level util package are classes that are useful throughout the project. These classes are generally generic enough to be useful in any project and should be contributed elsewhere!

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: