Interface FreeRefFunction
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- Bin2Dec, Complex, Countifs, Dec2Bin, Dec2Hex, Delta, EDate, EOMonth, FactDouble, Hex2Dec, Imaginary, ImReal, Indirect, Oct2Dec, Quotient, Sumifs, WeekNum
public interface FreeRefFunction
For most Excel functions, involving references ((cell, area), (2d, 3d)), the references are
passed in as arguments, and the exact location remains fixed. However, a select few Excel
functions have the ability to access cells that were not part of any reference passed as an
Two important functions with this feature are INDIRECT and OFFSET
When POI evaluates formulas, each reference argument is capable of evaluating any cell inside
its range. Actually, even cells outside the reference range but on the same sheet can be
evaluated. This allows OFFSET to be implemented like most other functions - taking only
the arguments, and source cell coordinates.
For the moment this interface only exists to serve the INDIRECT which can decode
arbitrary text into cell references, and evaluate them..
ValueEval evaluate(ValueEval[] args,
OperationEvaluationContext ec)
- Parameters:
- the pre-evaluated arguments for this function. args is never null
nor are any of its
- primarily used to identify the source cell containing the formula being evaluated.
may also be used to dynamically create reference evals.
- Returns:
- never
. Possibly an instance of ErrorEval in the case of
a specified Excel error (Exceptions are never thrown to represent Excel errors).