Package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates

record aggregates are not real "records" but collections of records that act as a single record.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
CFRecordsAggregate CFRecordsAggregate - aggregates Conditional Formatting records CFHeaderRecord and number of up CFRuleRecord records together to simplify access to them.
ChartSubstreamRecordAggregate Manages the all the records associated with a chart sub-stream.
ConditionalFormattingTable Holds all the conditional formatting for a workbook sheet.
CustomViewSettingsRecordAggregate Manages the all the records associated with a 'Custom View Settings' sub-stream.
DataValidityTable Manages the DVALRecord and DVRecords for a single sheet
FormulaRecordAggregate The formula record aggregate is used to join together the formula record and it's (optional) string record and (optional) Shared Formula Record (template reads, excel optimization).
PageSettingsBlock Groups the page settings records for a worksheet.
RecordAggregate RecordAggregates are groups of of BIFF Records that are typically stored together and/or updated together.
RecordAggregate.PositionTrackingVisitor A wrapper for RecordAggregate.RecordVisitor which accumulates the sizes of all records visited.
SharedValueManager Manages various auxiliary records while constructing a RowRecordsAggregate: SharedFormulaRecords ArrayRecords TableRecords
ValueRecordsAggregate Aggregate value records together.
WorksheetProtectionBlock Groups the sheet protection records for a worksheet.

Package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.aggregates Description

record aggregates are not real "records" but collections of records that act as a single record. This is an optimization basically.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:

See Also:
org.apache.poi.hssf.record, org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel, RecordFactory