Class EventRecordFactory

  extended by org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel.EventRecordFactory

public final class EventRecordFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Event-based record factory. As opposed to RecordFactory this version sends ERFListener.processRecord(Record) messages to the supplied listener. Record notifications are sent one record behind to ensure that ContinueRecords are processed first.

Constructor Summary
EventRecordFactory(ERFListener listener, short[] sids)
          Create an EventRecordFactory
Method Summary
 void processRecords( in)
          Create an array of records from an input stream
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EventRecordFactory(ERFListener listener,
                          short[] sids)
Create an EventRecordFactory

listener - the listener to be informed about events
sids - an array of Record.sid values identifying the records the listener will work with. Alternatively if this is "null" then all records are passed. For all 'known' record types use RecordFactory.getAllKnownRecordSIDs()
Method Detail


public void processRecords( in)
                    throws RecordFormatException
Create an array of records from an input stream

in - the InputStream from which the records will be obtained
RecordFormatException - on error processing the InputStream